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Offering Telehealth in Texas, Arizona, Washington, and New Mexico

  • Public Speaking Events

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    Public Speaking Events

    As a scholar-practitioner, Dr. Webb-Tafoya has been serving as an Adjunct Psychology Professor at several different colleges and universities across Texas. She has taken her knowledge of Trauma Informed Care (TIC) practices, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) instructor certification, and expertise in sexual disorders, dysfunctions, compassion fatigue, trauma therapy, and existentialism out into the community. Her commitment to educating others on topics like: Personal growth and integrative practices such as functional medicine, spiritual exploration and growth, human development, and meditation drives her to go out into the community and teach, guide, and educate others. If there is a certain topic of interest you are drawn to, please feel free to reach out and she will work with you to develop and curate the presentation you are seeking. The rates are dependent on location (if travel is involved), amount of time, supplies required or material, and attendance.